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Bank Caiyan|Pingxiang Xiangdong Huanghai Rural Bank was fined 800,000 for 8 consecutive fines in one day. 6 responsible persons were warned


2022-07-12 11:43:30 Financial News on July 11, the updated penalty announcement on the official website of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission showed that Pingxiang Xiangdong Huanghai Rural Bank received 8 fines in a row for four cases, including poor implementation of rectification of violations, with a total fine of 800,000 yuan.

Details are as follows:

Pingxiang Xiangdong Huanghai Rural Bank was fined 200,000 yuan for accepting the draft deposit from credit funds, and was fined 600,000 yuan due to ineffective rectification of violations, inadequate accountability and inadequate management of employee behavior.

Xie Siliang, Kang Ji, Li Xiangyu, Jia Lingyu, and Yi Zhiqiang were directly responsible for the illegal behavior of the employees of Xiangdong Huanghai Rural Bank in Pingxiang, and were given warnings and penalties.

Liming was directly responsible for the illegal actions of Pingxiang Xiangdong Huanghai Rural Bank's ineffective rectification of violations, inadequate accountability, and inadequate management of employee behavior, and was given a warning and punishment.

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